Our Reach Venezuela / Caracas

Sideriesgos, C.A.
Av. Francisco de Miranda
Cruce con Av. Ppal de los Ruices
Centro Empresarial Miranda
Piso 2, Oficina 2-D


Mario Araujo

Loss Adjuster


Industrial All Risks, Machinery Breakdown, CAR / EAR, ALOP, Business Interruption, Risk Surveys


+58 212 232 9082

Mario is a highly experienced engineer with nearly 40 years of expertise in loss adjusting. Before embarking on his career as a loss adjuster, he held positions in the construction industry, with a specific focus on infrastructure projects. This background has proven invaluable in handling claims related to Construction and Erection, as well as conducting audits for industrial processes. Mario specializes in a range of areas, including claims related to Industrial All Risks, Machinery Breakdown, CAR/EAR, ALOP, as well as managing business interruption cases and performing risk surveys.

Professional Qualifications
— BSc Eng (Mech) (LUZ - University of Zulia)
— Licensed Loss Adjuster / Licensed Assets Appraiser (SUDEASEG - Superintendence of Insurance of Venezuela)
— Financial Analyst (UCV - Central University of Venezuela)
— Professional Courses: Fire Analysis and Investigation

— Spanish
— Basic English

Julio Cesar Navas

Loss Adjuster


Commercial and Industrial All Risks, Fire (including Fire Protection Systems & Fire Investigation), Machinery Breakdown, Steel plant processes & Other Heavy Machinery, Construction and Erection All Risks


+58 212 232 9082

Julio is a Mechanical Engineer with over 35 years of experience in the Venezuelan insurance industry. Throughout his career, Julio has managed a wide range of claims while working for Sideriesgos C.A. In addition to his technical background, Julio is also a certified firefighter. His extensive expertise in fire-related risks is partly attributed to his previous role as a construction projects supervisor, where he was responsible for security and fire protection, among other duties. Julio specializes in various areas, including commercial and Industrial All Risks, Fire and Explosions (including fire protection systems and fire investigation), Machinery Breakdown, steel plant processes, and Construction and Erection All Risks. At Advanta, Julio collaborates with Mario Araujo to enhance the technical service capabilities in Venezuela.

Professional Qualifications
— BSc Eng (Mech) (Simón Bolívar University)
— Professional Firefighter (Venezuela Central University)
— Member of the Venezuelan Association of Engineers - Industrial Security and Protection Against Fires
— Several courses: maintenance and prevention of heavy machinery; Business Management

— Spanish

Francisco Gomez

Loss Adjuster


Fire, Theft, Cargo, Marine


+58 212 232 9082

Francisco has a career spanning over 15 years as a Loss Adjuster, having worked with a diverse array of insurers in Venezuela and providing services to reinsurers with an interest in the country. His extensive experience, totalling more than 26 years dedicated to Financial Services, Cargo, and Insurance, has positioned him as a trusted and preferred supplier for the leading insurers in the country. His specialties range from Banking & Financial Lines to Marine and Electromechanics.

Professional Qualifications
— Certificate in Cost Analysis

— Spanish