Our Reach Singapore / Singapore

30 Cecil Street
19-08 Prudential Tower


George Viar



Business Interruption, ALOP / DSU, Banking, Financial Institutions


+44 (0) 207 702 4000

George is a founding member of Advanta Global Services with 20 years’ experience in financial services. Prior to becoming Managing Director and Head of Forensic Accounting at Advanta in 2003, George held senior management positions in a range of leading forensic accounting and loss adjusting firms. Over the course of his career, he has specialised in business interruption and ALOP / DSU claims. George also has extensive experience in working with the Bankers’ Blanket Bond (BBB) policies and financial institutions.

Professional Qualifications
— BA (Hons) European Business Administration (ICADE Business School)
— Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA - Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants),
— Dip Marketing (ACIM - Associate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing)

— English
— Spanish
— French
— Italian

Pooba Mahalingam

Loss Adjuster


Oil and Gas (Onshore), Construction, Power, Risk Engineering


+65 (0) 8198 3701

Pooba brings over 30 years of engineering experience to the risk and insurance arena, specialising in Construction, Engineering, Property (including Oil and Gas installation - onshore), Power (generation and transmission), and Risk Management. With a robust career path, Pooba managed technical and complex risks and reinsurance business for an Insurance company and led the Construction, Power and Engineering team for a claims management company, both in Singapore. As a manager in Kuala Lumpur, he oversaw mega project risk management, handling large construction risks and expanding his international exposure to Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand. With CAT experience from managing the challenges of the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 (NZ), Pooba actively contributes to regional and international technical workshops, seminars, and conferences, while also conducting training and coaching sessions in various Asian cities. He also undertakes property risk surveys and provides risk consultancy services to various clients in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and across Asia, Middle East, and Africa. He is also an expert witness in insurance disputes at the Courts and arbitration matters.

Professional Qualifications
— Bachelor of Engineering (Hons),
— Professional Engineer (BEM)
— AICLA (Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters)
— Certified Trainer (ACTA - Singapore)
— Registered Trainer (HRDF - Malaysia)

— English
— Bahasa
— Indonesian