News Advanta News - October 2014

Advanta News - October 2014

Oct 13, 2014
Throughout the last few months, Advanta has been actively involved in training activities and other industry events.

In September, Oliver Thoma, George Viar and David McGhie had the privilege of delivering a presentation on DSU and loss mitigation to Swiss Re during their Global Engineering Claim Manager Offsite Meeting at the emblematic “Gherkin” building in London. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Swiss Re Corporate Solutions for their invitation and the positive feedback received.

Earlier in October, George Viar and Paulo Pereira (our Portugal Office Director) attended the BrokersLink annual conference which this time took place in Venice. Several interesting and current topics were discussed during its sessions for which Advanta had the pleasure of contributing with a presentation on the role of loss adjusters in an international claims context.

Once more Advanta Munich organised its annual event at the Oktoberfest, which gave us the opportunity to get together with our friends and colleagues in a lively atmosphere. Soon, even the staunch optimistic amongst us surrendered to the glass half empty view for the sake of being closer to the next Maß Bier. As the Romans would have said: Nunc est Bibendum – Now is the time to drink… so we did.

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+44 (0) 207 702 4000