News Advanta Bulletin - Chile Earthquake

Advanta Bulletin - Chile Earthquake

Sep 18, 2015
On 16 September 2015 at 19:54 local time, the central region of Chile was struck by a massive 8.3 magnitude earthquake with its epicentre located 46 km west of a town of Illapel at the depth of 25 km followed by a series of aftershocks as informed by the U.S. Geological Survey. It is reported to be the biggest earthquake to hit Chile since 2010.

In response to the earthquake, tsunami alerts were issued across the Pacific region, including Chile, Japan, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Hawaii and California. Tsunami warning in Chile has since been lifted.

Following the 16 September events, at least 10 people have been reported dead and the evacuations of over one million residents from coastal areas have been ordered by the Chilean government. The earthquake also caused power outages in central Chile. After initial disruption, the operations of two largest copper mines run by Antofagasta Plc and Codelco have been resumed.

Chile has a long history of massive earthquakes, including the 2014 Iquique earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2, the 2010 Maule earthquake rating a 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale and the largest quake in that zone, the 1960 Valdivia 9.5 magnitude earthquake.

Advanta Global Services has extensive experience in previous catastrophes of this nature. Our company has a well-tested catastrophe plan and a team of experienced loss adjusters ready to be deployed from our offices in London and Miami to any affected location where insured interest may have been affected.

Our local office in Chile is on standby awaiting instructions to investigate and help with the adjustment of any losses resulting from the earthquake.

For more information, please contact:

Andy Cathersides
London Office

Jose Miguel Varela
Miami Office

Tomas Fourcade
Cono Sur (South Cone) Office